My mother confronted me one summer morning before I could escape the house. "Mrs. Thew would like her fence painted. I told her you'd do it." I'm sure I objected with the monosyllables and scowls, what 16 year old wouldn't, but brightened when she added, "She'll pay you twenty dollars." It must have seemed a fortune in 1960.
The fence was long and it was pickets. The tool was a dripping brush. The hours turned into days. I was lonely, I was desperate, I was a prisoner but I had a 4 transister radio. All those long hours it whined away with the Seattle rock station, KJR. Every hour with a probability of one hundred percent I heard the same two songs at least once. Annette Funicello soothing me with "Pineapple Princess I love you, you're the sweetest girl I've seen... and Ricky Valance whining out 'Tell Laura I love her, tell Laura I need her, Tell Laura I may be late... I loved the part when the car overturns.. a 'twisted wreck' etc. you get the idea.
What's left? Two cheesy songs reverberating in my head that shall rest there forever. If a piece of music happens to contain a bar or two that resembles either of these even slightly, I have music in my ears. I'm struck and stuck with the music, the transister radio, and the fence. It's a connection to 1960 that I love to hate.
Addendum: As I was composing this ditty, the web link to Utube 'stuck' on Tell Laura and played a second time. I scrambled about to find the stop button. Is this my fate?